Rubinstein Coin Magic by Dr. Michael Rubinstein

Artikel-Nr.: 20200 - Buch
Lieferzeit: Lieferbar

Lieferbar ab 4.8.20! Dr. Michael Rubinstein hat endlich sein Lebenswerk in diesem Buch veröffentlicht! 

Sprache: Englisch
85,00 €
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Dr. Michael Rubinstein Leidenschaft war sein Leben lang die Münzmagie!

Seine Erfahrungen und sein Wissen hat er in sein neues Buch RUBINSTEIN MÜNZENMAGIE eingearbeitet.
Auf diesen 500 Seiten finden Sie zwanzig Kapitel mit mehr als fünfzig Originaltechniken, über neunzig vollständigen Routinen und persönliche  Präsentationen, die mit 930 ausgezeichneten Fotos illustriert sind. Es gibt sogar einen BONUS-Abschnitt mit über 400 Begriffen und einem Liner für jede Gelegenheit! Sie werden nicht nur die Münzzauberei kennenlernen, die er in den letzten fünfzig Jahren vorgeführt und gelehrt hat, sondern auch die neuen Ideen, Handlungen und Techniken, die er seit Jahren zurückgehalten hat!

Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Es gibt zusätzliche Beiträge von einigen der weltbesten Münzmagier, die viele der neuen Techniken vorstellen, die heute in der modernen Münzmagie eingesetzt werden. RUBINSTEIN MÜNZMAGIE ist dazu bestimmt, ein Klassiker zu werden und das Buch, an dem sich alle zukünftigen Bücher über Münzmagie messen lassen werden.


Here's what the experts have to say...

"Michael Rubinstein has created a major contribution to the cannon of coin magic. If you love coin magic, you are going to find inspiration, and a lot of terrific ideas, all presented in a beautiful package."
John Carney

"The body of work you have created is very impressive."
-Stephen Minch

"It is very difficult to fool magicians using sleight of hand. Michael has been fooling me with his coin magic for more than 40 years. Now I get to learn how he did it. This a monumental work in the field of coin magic and I highly recommend you get it and study what he has to offer."
Meir Yedid

"Inside this beautifully produced book you will learn the nitty-gritty details to pure sleight-of-hand coin magic. A lifetime of work is concentrated in this overwhelming tome."
Steve Cohen, Chamber Magic

"The big, important magic book has returned at last, and it's about Coins! Michael Rubinstein and a small army of conspirators have created a frightening amount of solid commercial magic and crushed it between two covers for your delight, discovery and eventual deployment. Classics are revised, card effects transformed, and strange new things brought to life. Do not miss this."
-Curtis Kam

"Every 10 years or so in magic, a book comes out that is a game changer. Dr Michael Rubinstein has finally shared his magnum opus, his legacy. If you truly love pure sleight of hand with coins, look no further. Jump down the rabbit hole and be prepared to learn some of the finest coin magic in history. I promise you the journey will enlighten you!"
John Carey

"W0W! What an absolutely Outstanding book for anyone wishing to study coin magic and become a sleight of hand expert using coins!!!! Excellent pictures throughout the entire book and the simplified text makes it easy to understand as well as enjoy!!! I have to say it's the latest Amazing & Best book on the market since David Roth's Expert Coin Magic!!"
Mickey Silver

"Buy this book! It is clearly written, easy to understand and the photographs document all the details you need to learn this wonderful material. The result is encyclopedic, but understand that the techniques and routines are polished over time through performance. It's impossible to cover the scope of the book. Be prepared to take a 'Deep Dive' into a wonderland of amazing magic. Michael Rubinstein's Rubinstein Coin Magic is an instant classic. I know that I'll be reading it for years to come! It will open your mind to a new horizon of visual coin magic."
Bob Kohler

"I've always been impressed with Michael Rubinstein's creativity and skill with coin magic. His new book, "Rubinstein Coin Magic" is a MUST read for any serious student and practitioner of this art form. Allow me to put it this in simpler terms. There are few books on coin magic that have changed the landscape of this beautiful art form: Bobo's Modern Coin Magic, David Roth's Expert Coin Magic, and now... Michael Rubinstein's Rubinstein Coin Magic."
Eric DeCamps